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Group 2 Scholarship Essay September 27, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — janieover @ 7:20 pm

One Response to “Group 2 Scholarship Essay”

  1. Mandy Whitman Says:

    Mandy,Karsi, Luke, Braydon
    Discipline, child preparation, morals-which one is most needed today? Parents are becoming afraid of disciplining their kids like they used to because of laws that shouldn’t be here. If kids aren’t taught right from wrong when they are little and still learning it will be harder for them to be taught the right things. But where does the line cross from discipline to abuse? Who decides where that line lies when things start to go bad? Everyone has their own opinion as to how things should be done when it comes to raising children, but its progress.
    We have all heard the stories about our grandparents and parents getting the belt, fingers hit with a ruler or getting the paddle. In todays’ culture you can’t scold or spank your kid for misbehaving wit out worrying about child abuse charges. People wonder why our kids don’t listen, smart off, cuss, and misbehave. Well, it’s because most of the parents don’t discipline like they used to. There is a point where when you leave bruises on the kid, that’s taking it way too far. A swat or two on the butt or a little soap in the mouth won’t hurt them. Kids need more discipline then their getting and someone has to do something. Then there are those kids that get disciplined but still rebel or just don’t care. I think those kids need a little bit of help. I don’t think we will ever actually completely get rid of the child abuse problem but we can all help out and do our part and the problems will slowly decrease.
    One of the main parenting issues is not being prepared to have a child. Many times the parents have trouble simply because they are not ready to be parents. You should make sure that you are stable enough to be able to support the baby and that you are sure that you want to have one. If this happens and you feel you are not ready you should try to prepare yourself as much as you can. Some ways to get ready for your baby are to read, talk to others, and research. There are many books out there that have plenty of information for parents. These books can help you by teaching you many things about parenting that you wouldn’t think of yourself. Another good way to get ready for a baby is to talk to others that have been in that situation. It is helpful to hear from others that know exactly where you are at and know what you are going through. Along with talking to others and reading, you should try to research. There are plenty of websites out there that can help you get yourself on the right track for parenthood.
    Parents today, if seen can go to jail for disciplining their children in a public place, though many kids today because of this happening, will disrespect and act very bad, because parents couldn’t discipline their children the right way. Many people in my opinion lose their relationship with their children because they start disrespecting their parents, because they always got away with acting wrong toward people or situations. When you’re young children do something wrong, a little talk and saying “you can’t do that”, is not going to solve anything. In my opinion, I believe disciplining your children shows them who’s the boss and teaches them lesson of right and wrong. Discipline in my opinion, should be done by slapping their hand or butt, putting a bar of soap in their mouth if they swear, getting put in the corner for a certain amount of time, and the best is if they do something wrong to another that was very inappropriate they will apologize to them face to face, no matter if it may be the hardest thing for them to do at the moment.
    As mentioned earlier if you’re not prepared to be a parent then simply try everything you can to prevent having a child. If you find yourself in this situation and you know you’re not prepared seek help. If you’re not ready to be a parent, it can lead to not respecting your children and short tempers, this is just a couple of reasons child abuse happens. Discipline is necessary but that doesn’t mean if child abuse if it’s not taken to extreme levels. Yes, discipline has taken a turn for the worst in our society but it needs to come back for the good.

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