Dual Credit Engl 110 Blog

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Read the following article and some of the posts (like 4) and respond (100 words) about your experience with the use of wikis at DPHS. Thanks! September 29, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — janieover @ 1:41 pm




5 Responses to “Read the following article and some of the posts (like 4) and respond (100 words) about your experience with the use of wikis at DPHS. Thanks!”

  1. AlexHerman Says:

    WordPress is a good tool to have and to know how to use. You’re able to see what everybody else is thinking and what they feel on certain posts like this. It’s also a good way for everybody to be on the same page in a class like this. Instead of doing everything on paper, you’re able to do everything here where it’s all together and where we can look at what the other people are doing for examples. It’s really nice how you can group things too, like our scholarship essays. Instead of it just being all over, it’s in a group together where it won’t be disorganized.

  2. mandykay25 Says:

    I had never heard of a wikispace until Ms. Overmoe came to our school and every class she had she made a wiki for them. At first they seemed really complicated and frustrating and no one really wanted to use them. As we used them more and more throughout the year they got easier and they weren’t so bad. I still think they are kind of confusing for some parts but others arnt so bad and its really nice because all of our websites and different assingments are all on the wiki. I think we just need to use them a little more to get used to them. They really arn’t that bad.

  3. Karsi Says:

    Well i didn’t know anything about a wiki when Ms.Overmoe came to Dakota Prairie High School, and when she tried getting us to use it I was so lost, which I have no idea why, it must of just been something new for me to do in the computer; wasn’t very good at computers at that point in time. Since the middle of last year and this year I have become more aware of the wiki, with finding everything that is apart of our assignments, it has also helped with other classes because I heard other teachers in our school also numerous wiki’s for their classes, it also helps the students who are absent be aware of their assignments in class.

  4. Katie Says:

    I think wikis can be very useful. Mr. Stoller mentioned using WordPress for a wiki for teacher advisors, and if other teachers need an example for advisor problems they can go there. Wikis are very useful because they are on the internet and available for use whenever you need them and you don’t have to go directly to a person for that help.

  5. Sabrina Rude Says:

    WordPress is a very effective way for teachers to blog about stuff and for students, on there own time, to right there opinions. I reallyy enjoy the Wiki and WordPress because I can do them on my own time. Some people may think that may be difficult to find the time, but actually taking a good hour or so is enough time to get on blog and do what you need to do. Since Ms. Overmoe has been here she has taught us alot about using the Wiki or WordPress and they both come in very handy!

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